
  • This is for Static Gestures
  • Hand Gesture and Hand Pose Recognition
  • Semi-Supervised learning scheme used to solve the problem of lacking proper annotation
  • 3-D Hand Pose with foreground hand, and hand gesture
  • Unconstrained environment dataset

– Hand Posture: Only classify in classes
– Hand Posture: positions of finger joints, view point, rotation, scale and so on.

Semi-Supervised Scheme

  • Knowledge Transfer: Transfer annotation by extracting shared features from hand gesture to hand pose and vice versa.

  • Image Reconstruction: Enocdes input to low dimensional latent code and then reconstructs the image.

  • Traditional Methods-

    • Low Level
      • SIFT - Scale Invariant Feature Transform
      • Image Moments
      • Gabor Filters - For texture analysis, checks whethere there is a particular frequency content in a specific direction in a localized region.
    • CNN
      • deep features extracted from cloud points for SVM Classification
      • stacked denoising auto-encoders
      • sof attention mechanism

– Graph Convolution Network

  • Complex Environment- In a complex environment necessary to separate hand
    • Skin color
    • SVM Classifier based on HOG Feature (Histogram Oriented Gradients)
    • combining deep and shallow layers


  1. Foreground hand detection
  2. shared feature extraction
  3. hand gesture recognition
  4. hand pose estimation
  5. hand image reconstruction


The framework of the proposed approach
  • Stage 1 (Separate Foreground hands from Background)
    • Extract background hands with foreground using FPN (Feature Pyramid Netowrk), FPN takes last 4 stages of ResNet as input and generates the multi-level feature maps.
    • Region Proposal Network(RPN) takes multi-level feature as input and generates set of region proposal
    • ROI layer extracts features for each region proposal, then foreground hand predics whether it is foreground or background, hence refines the selection more.
  • Stage 2 (Shared Feature Extraction)
    • lighweight CNN
    • constructed using inversted residual blocks
    • intermediate expansion layer in the block uses lightweight depth-wise convolutions
    • size of each cropped hand 256x256x3
    • multiple inverted residual blocks, resulting 8x8x1280
    • generate latent code with Guassian Distribution
    • shared feature fed to 1x1 conv it converts 120 to 128, estimating the parameters of gaussian distrib. of latent code
  • Stage 3a (Hand Gesture Recog)
    • 8x8x128 converted to 512 size,
    • 512 to num classes, and finally softmax
    • cross entropy loss
  • Stage 3b (Hand Pose Estimation) Reference1
    • 21 Hand Joints used to detect the hand pose
    • Used reference to detect 3D hand pose
    • [Orthogonal Projection] 2D projection of the 3D hand is taken, and origin is the root of middle finger.
    • 3D Rotation Group

Hand Image Reconstruction


  • Variational Autoencoders
  • L1 loss and KL (Kullback-Lieber loss) used to calculate the loss of reconstruction


$$ \ L = \lambda_1L_{detection}+\lambda_2L_{gesture}+\lambda_3L_{rel}+\lambda_4L_{view}+\lambda_5L_{recons} $$

  • As all the datasets doesn’t have all the annotations, there significance is turned on or off accordingly.

Research paper

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  1. Zimmermann, C.; Brox, T. Learning to estimate 3d hand pose from single rgb images. In Proceedings of the IEEE International Conference on Computer Vision, Venice, Italy, 22–29 October 2017; pp. 4903–4911.M ↩︎

  2. Xu, C.; Cai, W.; Li, Y.; Zhou, J.; Wei, L. Accurate Hand Detection from Single-Color Images by Reconstructing Hand Appearances.Sensors 2020, 20, 192. CrossRef ↩︎